Rollercoaster of experiences
Past week it was like a rollercoaster of experiences. Once I stept in the rollercoaster I rolled from one experience into the next. I will try my best to take you on this journey, vamos! As I mentioned in one of my previous blog posts, I had an assignment of Portuguese with Brazilian language students. Now I finally had this assignment, which was a good practice for my Portuguese. Unfortunately, we didn't talk in Portuguese anymore. But I understand why not, they wouldn't understand a thing. Although I learned them a few words of Dutch. We talked for a hour or 2 in Portuguese and a little bit in English. The day after, I planned to work both on my internship and Portuguese. It turned out to be only Portuguese, Portuguese and Portuguese. I started with my homework for Portuguese class for that day and the homework that needed to be finished 1 or 2 weeks ago. I got some help from Ana, and soon it was time for my Portuguese practice with Samanda. We worked on Portugues...